Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Earth Day Outfit (But Not Really)

Despite the title, the outfit featured in this post can be worn any day of the year (though it might be considered too hot or too cold for certain seasons). I, however, just happened to be wearing it on Earth Day, thus making it an Earth Day outfit. As one would expect, the weather on this particular day was perfect and my first encounter with warm-ish weather. So, what better way to celebrate our Earth other than basking in all of its natural beauty with a coffee in hand (per usual)? Not to mention, I made a delicious breakfast that morning that will be randomly (awkwardly??) inserted at the end of this post because I take great pride in my culinary abilities and obsession over balsamic glaze. Obviously with that information, you're just dying to read ahead and see the photos that await you. Or at least I'm hoping you are. Hehe :)